Promote your business! Team up with NFR!
This Friday will be holding it's annual Spring Fishing Seminar at T-Rivers in Madisonville! This event is one of two events held every year. I want to thank everyone who has helped make this event such a success. Charter captains, members, T-River's, Slidell Independent Newspaper, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, CCA, Tammany West Newspaper, WWL Radio, and to everyone else who helps get the word out about the events every year. With success and growth, comes opportunity! We are looking to team up with a local North Shore business that would like to work with as a title sponsor for the events. Below are a few video's of the events and some examples of how the events are promoted and just how much exposer you'll have as a sponsor for the events.
RadioThe Northshore Fishing Report Radio Program is a part of the More Outdoors with Don Dubuc Show that airs from 5-9 on Saturday Mornings on 105.3 HD2
PodcastA Premium Members feature on, NFR Live is an podcast where anglers are interviewed and current events are announced
|'s Facebook Page is utilized to promote events such as the Fall Fishing Seminar and Spring Fishing Seminar
NewpaperThe Slidell Independent and Tammany West Publications boast a circulation of over 20,000. The seminars are promoted in both newspapers in the fall and spring.
YouTubeThe spring and fall seminars are recorded and promoted on YouTube to maximize video exposer.
WebsiteWith over 1,000 unique views a day, promotes both the spring and the fall seminars with anouncements and summaries of the events.
Title Sponsorship Bidding
All mentions of the Fall Fishing and Spring Fishing Seminars will carry your business's name. The winning bid will win the sponsorship rights for both events in 2017. The winner will be announced this Friday at the Spring Fishing Seminar at T-Rivers in Madisonville. Good Luck and thank you to everyone for your support going forward!