On December 29th, 2024 Liars and Lunkers had their 5th event of the fall/winter series at the East Pearl launch. 10 teams entered for their chance at the top position and cash prize. Results as follows:
1st Place Kyle Hills and LaShun Robertson 9lbs. 8.5oz as well as Big Bass with a 2lb. 10oz bass
2nd place John Andrews and Scott Mitchell 9lbs 0.75oz
3rd Place John Cahill and Hunter Burkell 7lbs. 9 oz.
1st Place Kyle Hills and LaShun Robertson 9lbs. 8.5oz as well as Big Bass with a 2lb. 10oz bass
2nd place John Andrews and Scott Mitchell 9lbs 0.75oz
3rd Place John Cahill and Hunter Burkell 7lbs. 9 oz.
Our next tournament is the Classic which will be held at Crawfords Landing on January 26th, 2025 from safelight till 12 noon. Teams must have fished 3 tournaments to qualify for Classic, Classic is a No Entry Fee event, however there is an optional $50 side pot for some extra incentive. Please contact Morgan Schutte (985-789-4503) or James Harris (985 640-0609) if you are unsure if you are qualified or not. We look forward to seeing everyone there.