The Double Nickel Bass Club fished the East Pearl River on a chilly morning. The water was exceptionally low, and the wind had most anglers ditching their original plans and making adjustments. The muddy water that plagued anglers last week remained a problem for anglers today. In the end, it was Ron Hindman who claimed first place with a tournament limit of 3 fish weighing 6.75 pounds. Hindman also won the big bass pot with a largemouth that came in at 4.07 pounds. In second place was Guy Stegall, who weighed in a limit of 6.03 pounds. Mike Mardois took third place with 5.70 pounds and also won second place with big bass with a 3.31-pound fish.
The Double Nickel Bass Club will hold its next tournament at the East Pearl River on March 25. The club is for those who are above the age of 55. For more information, please call Dwain Crumby at 985-502-6006